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I have been writing my own music for years, but the songs I have written are more than just notes and rhythms thrown together. They tell a story. Life is like a story and these songs tell my story, but not just mine alone. They tell the tale of a journey home and the story of a slave set free. They point to Jesus who has redeemed us and carried us home to the Father.


These songs tell the story of all of us who have been reconciled to God through Christ. 



Our Song Forever


This project is a full length album my church has been working on for some time now. One of the songs, "You Are My Guide," based on Psalm 23, was written by me several years ago. It was a lot of fun including it in this project full of songs, newly written and revamped hymns, and other songs based on the Psalms. Enjoy! 




Home EP


The Home EP  was a fun project I did with some friends from my college days. We got together and put down some tracks for several songs I had written, most of which speak of my journey through fear and deeper into the grace of God. Enjoy!



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